Making bird feeders is an activity that can be made easier or more involved to suit your resident!
More complicated bird feeders requiring wood craft, maybe even carving, could be started in the winter months to be made ready and beautiful for the springtime. On the other hand, there are many simple bird feeder ideas that can be made at any time of the year. Here is an article with 32 different simple bird feeder ideas.
You can show the list to your residents to pick their own projects on a certain day and turn the bird feeder activity into a group one as well, with every resident making their own feeder on a given day. Afterwards, they could be displayed in the hall with the name of the resident who made it. each resident could go down the hall one at a time to enjoy the creation of his or her neighbor. Finally, they could all be hung outside of windows on the same day in celebration of the spring!
Click here for the original idea.