Operations Best Practices

Building Family Confidence in Senior Living Communities

September 8, 2023

Family confidence is a key indicator of a successful senior living community. It refers to the family’s trust in your organization to deliver on your brand promises and provide excellent care for their loved one. Families want to be assured that their loved one is happy, healthy, and receiving plenty of engagement. Above all, they want transparency into what their loved one’s life looks like while living in your community. 

Building trust takes time and effort, but it is a crucial aspect of ensuring the well-being and happiness of both residents and their families. In this blog, we discuss the benefits of family confidence for senior living communities and how they can maintain it through a focus on transparency, open communication, empathy, and a commitment to providing high-quality care. 

How do communities benefit from maintaining family confidence?

Maintaining family confidence not only benefits residents and their families; it also spells success for all types of senior living communities. Here’s how:

  • Enhanced community reputation: Communities that make family confidence a priority will have a stronger reputation. Communities that actively seek and incorporate family feedback are often more highly trusted by the public.
  • Improved resident retention and longer stays: When residents and their families are satisfied with the community, they will continue to call it home. Delivering on your brand promises increases residents’ length of stay, resulting in more revenue.
  • Fostering continuous improvement: Constructive feedback from families is a valuable tool for communities to identify areas for improvement. It enables them to refine their practices, policies, and protocols, ultimately enhancing the overall quality of care provided.
  • Family and resident ambassadors: Positive experiences shared by families can help attract new residents and contribute to the growth and success of the community. Families who are highly satisfied with your community may be willing to act as ambassadors for marketing purposes. 
  • Improved employee satisfaction: Team members will be more satisfied in their roles when they have a positive relationship with residents’ families. Having the family’s confidence shows team members that their hard work on behalf of the resident is being recognized and appreciated. 

Building Trust With Families

Securing family confidence is no easy task. Senior living communities can build trust with families over time through a commitment to the following:

  • Family Confidence Reporting: Family confidence reporting establishes open and transparent lines of communication with families. Regularly update them about their loved one's condition, care plans, and any changes in their health or well-being.
  • Accountability: Keep detailed resident records and be prepared to share this information with families. Respond promptly to requests to know more about a loved one’s care and engagement.
  • Empathy and Compassion: Train staff to show empathy and compassion towards residents and their families. Understanding and acknowledging their emotions and concerns can go a long way in building trust.
  • Personalized Care: Create individualized care plans for each resident based on their unique needs and preferences. Involve families in the development of these plans and seek their input to ensure the best possible care.
  • Quality Improvement Initiatives: Demonstrate a commitment to continuous improvement by engaging in quality improvement initiatives and sharing the results with families.
  • Implementing Feedback: Be responsive to any concerns or complaints raised by families. Addressing issues promptly and professionally shows that the community takes feedback seriously and is committed to improvement.

Could technology be a key ingredient in your community’s family confidence recipe? Check out what kind of reporting is available in Welbi to navigate family meetings with ease.

Katie Stewart

Katie is a member of Welbi’s Customer Experience team! She has a background in communications and recreation and is passionate about older adults, exercise, coffee and people.

Holly Mathias

Holly is a member of Welbi’s Marketing team! She has a background in communications and marketing, and is a compassionate individual who loves team work, story telling, and wellness.

Wendy Riopelle

Wendy is a student in the Honours BA in English program at the University of Ottawa, where she has won numerous awards for her writing.

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